hase bikes TRIGO & TRIGO UPTRIGO, a modular cornering wizard that lets you enjoy the exhilaration of delta triking without blowing your budget! See more details... |
hase bikes kettwieselThe Swiss Army Knife of recumbent trikes, offering unparalleled stability, safety, handling and comfort; available in multiple builds. See more details... |
hase bikes pinoThe Hase Bikes Pino is versatile, blending an upright rear captain with the ability to run a recumbent tandem or cargo carrier up front. See more details... |
hase bikes tretsThe Hase Bikes Trets is a kid’s trike, trailer, jogger and buggy, all in one, offering playful mobility to meet your child’s needs and grow with them. See more details... |
The Calf Support was redesigned for use with the new Special Pedals. Its unique and ingenious structure provides firm support for the leg but enables the ankle to flex naturally, allowing for a circular pedaling motion.